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Mapping changes:

  • #317 Various improvements in mapping (fixed enemy forces, MDT linking etc.) Also fixed a few issues with the MDT importer sometimes not fully recognizing all enemies you pulled.
  • #320 On Teeming weeks, all Awakened bosses now give 6 points instead of 4. Also fixed some potential errors in the way enemy forces are calculated. The routes page should also load a bit quicker now (though still working on making it faster).

General changes:

  • #312 You can now import MDT strings while not logged in (from the Try menu) as was intended.
  • #310 Accessing your profile would sometimes give a 500 error code, depending on your various Team memberships. This has been resolved.

Map changes:

  • #313 Internal lat/lng data was sometimes saved in the wrong order. This has been corrected.
  • #311 Cooperative route editing should now be bug-free across multiple floors.

General changes:

  • #286 Upgraded internals to the latest and greatest.

Map changes:

  • #300 You can now set a map icon's comment to show permanently. Enemy tooltips are now also no longer linger around if you mouse over them quickly.
  • #306 Enemies that are not part of your Pulls are now faded out to help visibility.
  • #299 When editing a route cooperatively, selecting a Pull will no longer change all enemy names into the currently logged in user name.


  • #304 Ensured a Pull color is always set - this was causing some issues in various places if a color is missing.

General changes:

  • #301 Added a 'Publish' and 'Unpublish' options from the route overview page's Actions.


  • #298 New accounts did not have their color for collaborative route editing set (was empty). This has been rectified.
  • #296 Killzone was not synced properly in a pull when using collaborative route editing.

MDT Importer changes:

  • #295 MDT importer now imports Awakened Obelisks and where you pulled them.

Team changes:

  • #301 Added a 'Clone to team' and 'Clone to my profile' button.

Map changes:

  • #292 Fixed cooperative route sharing synchronization of pulls. Fixed left sidebar in map view not being able to be collapsed. Fixed pull top text not showing when viewing a route. Added a 'Loading' message when Pulls are still loading, rather than a 'No pulls created yet' message.

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