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General changes:

  • #657 Reorganized the way the website builds the webpage, again utilizing caching for database queries that were otherwise done every page load.
  • #659 Added caching for all elements of the site that only change when I update the site (think of lists of classes, races, specializations, factions, npcs, the list goes on). This dramatically speeds up the loading time of the entire website.
  • #658 Upgraded the internal systems to the latest and greatest.
  • #654 The affixes page now loads a lot quicker than before.

Map changes:

  • #641 The pulls sidebar now also shows floor changes as your pulls move across the dungeon. You can click them to switch to that floor.
  • #656 You can now select either enemy forces or percentage for both map enemies and your pulls sidebar separately - thanks Doug for the suggestion!


  • #655 The route settings modal will no longer load behind the sidebars.
  • #660 Clone to Team now works again - thanks Oxy for reporting this bug!

General changes:

  • #487 Fixed the affixes for the next 3 weeks.

General changes:

  • #623 Completely rebuilt ads on the website. I kept the ad placement the same, except for new sticky ads on mobile which may be hidden from view. The map view will now also display an ad. I realise nobody likes ads, but they're necessary to pay the bills. You're free to use an adblocker however, I've made sure it should be easy to block them if you so desire. Alternatively, becoming a patron on https://www.patreon.com/keystoneguru will also remove all ads for $1 a month. Feedback always welcome, and thanks for your understanding!

Map changes:

  • #642 Zooming can now be done more granularly, the zoom ticks will not be as big as before.
  • #624 Switching between percentage and enemy forces style will now also switch enemies 'enemy forces' visualization to percentages if you have that selected.
  • #640 Hovering over an enemy pack now displays the total amount of percentage/enemy forces in that pack.


  • #637 On mobile, the sidebars would start opened by default, this has been changed to start hidden by default as was intended.
  • #638 Hotfixed earlier: imported MDT routes did not have enemy forces assigned, this has been rectified.
  • #639 Hovering over enemies on the map would be a bit clunky and not always properly highlight an enemy even though your mouse was hovering over it. This works silky smooth now.

Team changes:

  • #627 Teams no longer have their name in the URL - they have all been assigned a public key instead. Using names will still work for some time but will be removed at a later stage.

General changes:

  • #613 Enemy forces are no longer calculated on the fly but whenever changes are made to your route. This speeds up various pages and processes, such as the /routes page.

Route changes:

  • #393 You can now create custom personal tags and team tags for your routes. You can organize your routes the way you want by attaching tags and then search on the tags that are attached to your routes. Separately, teams can tag the routes that are part of them while personal tags will not be visible and vice versa!

Map changes:

  • #577 Ctrl + clicking an enemy inside a pack while editing a pull will add just that enemy to your pull.

Mapping changes:

  • Spires of Ascension: removed a Forsworn Annihilator from the second island when going right - this enemy is no longer there.


  • #625 Hotfixed a few days ago - exporting MDT strings would sometimes cause a 400 Bad Request error.
  • #621 Sharing a link to the view page of a sandbox route will no longer cause a 500 error. Though this behaviour is not advertised, I do believe it should work so you can quickly mock a route and share it with others.

MDT Importer changes:

  • #601 Prideful enemies are now imported from MDT strings.

General changes:

  • #578 All traces of BFA in various images across various platforms (Github, Patreon etc.) have been eradicated and replaced with Shadowlands images.
  • #490 Keystone.guru has a new logo!
  • #607 Discord release announcer now always works even if the changelog exceeds 2048 characters.

Map changes:

  • #606 Map icons now scale with zoom level - if you zoom out they will grow a bit smaller, if you zoom in they will grow a bit bigger.

MDT Importer changes:

  • #618 Importer now runs a lot quicker (up to 3x faster).
  • #610 Paths defined in your string (arrows) are now imported as paths instead of as free-drawn lines.

MDT Exporter changes:

  • #99 You can now export routes to an MDT string from view, edit, sandbox and embed pages.

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