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Release v7.7 (2023/11/29)

General changes:

  • #2148 Various database performance improvements.

Map changes:

  • #2147 "Draw box to zoom" feature has been disabled.
  • #2086 Floor switches are now enabled in Combined Floor mode.


  • #2120 Queue for thumbnails should no longer sometimes be erroneously cleared.
  • #2149 When having Combined Floors enabled, accessing dungeons through the Explore feature no longer loads a blank map (hotfixed).
  • #2153 Attempting to view routes for a dungeon that does not have seasons (ie. WotLK or Classic routes) no longer sometimes generates an error.
  • #2151 Loading more routes on the discover pages no longer generates a list of routes with 2 columns instead of 4 columns.

MDT Importer changes:

  • #2125 Importing arrows from MDT is now supported.

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