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Release v3.21 (2021/02/09)

General changes:

  • #654 The affixes page now loads a lot quicker than before.
  • #658 Upgraded the internal systems to the latest and greatest.
  • #659 Added caching for all elements of the site that only change when I update the site (think of lists of classes, races, specializations, factions, npcs, the list goes on). This dramatically speeds up the loading time of the entire website.
  • #657 Reorganized the way the website builds the webpage, again utilizing caching for database queries that were otherwise done every page load.

Map changes:

  • #656 You can now select either enemy forces or percentage for both map enemies and your pulls sidebar separately - thanks Doug for the suggestion!
  • #641 The pulls sidebar now also shows floor changes as your pulls move across the dungeon. You can click them to switch to that floor.


  • #655 The route settings modal will no longer load behind the sidebars.
  • #660 Clone to Team now works again - thanks Oxy for reporting this bug!

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