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Release v1.5 (2018/12/14)

Update from me: due to some unfortunate and unexpected circumstances I haven't had much time to work on the website the past few weeks. I have slowly started working on the website again though, and I remain dedicated to improving Keystone.guru. Please stay tuned!

General changes:

  • #90 Introduced a new feature called 'attributes'. A Route can be coupled to one or more attributes which describe certain characteristics of a Route. Does the route contain Warlock Demonic Gateway skips, but you can't do these because your group does not run with a Warlock? If the author has flagged their Route with the appropriate attributes you can now filter out Routes that contain a Warlock Demonic Gateway skip. There are currently attributes for Rogue Shroud, Warlock Gate skips, Mage Slow Fall skip (Shrine of the Storm), Invisibility Potion and Death skip. If you have more ideas for attributes please let me know and I will consider adding them.
  • #84 Added a bigger list view option for the Routes page. This allows you to see a preview thumbnail of a Route for easy identification if the route suits your needs. You can scroll through all floors using your mouse (drag the image) or using touch in touch-enabled devices.
  • #65 The Routes page has been updated with new sorting mechanisms for affixes, attributes, author and rating.
  • #52 The Route page now shows the views a route has gotten.
  • #90 The Affixes page no longer accidentally counted past seasons double, leading to incorrect dates for the affixes per week.

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