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Mapping changes:

  • #1386 Wrath of the Lich King dungeons added (massive thanks to Günther for doing the mapping effort).


  • #1390 Route previews no longer show mountable areas (which is hidden by default normally).


  • #1376 Fixed various issues with the SimulationCraft implementation which brings it much closer to actual log results (thanks Finalslave for reporting).

General changes:

  • #1330 Added new demo routes for S4 dungeons.
  • #35 Reworked the entire Patreon integration. NOTE: please re-couple your Patreon account with your Keystone.guru account to reclaim your benefits.

Map changes:

  • #1319 Added an option to generate a SimulationCraft string so you can simulate your routes. Open any route and check the "Simulate" button in the top header and go from there.


  • #1334 Importing an MDT string with Awakened Obelisks (think Mechagon) no longer sometimes crashes the MDT importer (hotfixed).
  • #1370 Map element visuals now once again save properly between sessions.

Mapping changes:

  • #1297 Hotfixes for Lower Karazhan.

General changes:

  • #1322 Added a season selector for dungeons to the route table. You can now filter your routes on Shadowlands Season 4 so only those dungeons show up (is now also the default).

Map changes:

  • #849 Improved the performance of the map.


  • #1318 Route card for Operation Mechagon: Workshop, now properly shows the last floor in the overview (floor 2 is skipped).
  • #1320 Adding a new pull between existing pulls, and then deleting another pull no longer causes those new pulls to be assigned an incorrect pull index.
  • #1321 Non-season 4 dungeons are much less likely to show up when viewing routes for Shadowlands dungeons (like De Other Side etc).
  • #1077 Empty pulls no longer confuse the pulls connections feature.

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