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Mapping changes:

  • All dungeons for season 2 have been revisited and adjusted to latest PTR mapping (thanks Nnoggie).


  • #1685 Fixed crash related to new season starting (hotfixed).
  • #1678 Routes that have no ascii characters in their title are now able to be edited again.

Mapping changes:

  • Halls of Infusion mapping adjusted near gauntlet - added/removed enemies according to latest PTR build.(thanks Xtyr!)

Mapping changes:

  • Neltharus: enemies placed in previous release are now assignable to routes.
  • Halls of Infusion: Enemies placed in previous release are now assignable to routes. Also edited trash after PTR changes after 2nd boss (thanks Tealc!)

Mapping changes:

  • Added missing trash before last boss of Neltharus.
  • Added missing trash in alternative route in Halls of Infusion.


  • #1625 Updated Puppeteer to latest version - improved thumbnail generation script.

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