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This release also contains many improvements on the admin side of things. A lot of work continues in the background which isn't necessarily user-facing but will allow me to spend less time on creating mappings etc in the future.


  • #1932 Fixed an issue where switching floors in the presenter view would cause the enemy forces tracker to disappear in the pulls sidebar.

Auto route changes:

  • #1923 Improved/restructured auto-route generator.
  • #1924 Improved/restructured auto-route generator.
  • #1930 Improvements to Ruby Life Pools route generator.

Auto route changes:

  • #1903 Engaged NPCs are now resolved upon engagement instead of upon killing them. This fixes many issues related to killing multiple packs at the same time.

General changes:

  • #1904 Added v1 public API. More details to follow.


  • #1870 Saving a newly created map icon without editing anything no longer results in an error (thanks Bunten!)

Auto route changes:

  • #1903 Chain pulled pulls are now no longer inserted before the original pull if its enemies were killed before the original pull's enemies were. The pulls are now merged instead.

Map changes:

  • #1890 Certain floors that have no enemies on them are now disabled and cannot be viewed. This happens when there's just one enemy on a certain floor and it's opted to put the enemy on the previous floor instead to streamline the routing process. Algeth'ar Academy and Brackenhide Hollow are examples of this.


  • #1892 Fixed some vertical spacing issues with the sidebars after a rework.
  • #1899 Routes created through the API now properly add casted spells to the correct pulls.

Auto route changes:

  • #1882 Dragonflight Season 1 dungeon improvements.

Auto route changes:

  • #1851 Improvements to all dungeons wrt auto route generation.
  • #1788 Auto route now detects chainpulling and creates separate pulls instead of creating a big pull until you've finally dropped combat.

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